In more and more MDI trainings a Reflection Guide is present in order to make the most out of the training time available. As part of the upcoming “Lateral Leadership” training in Vienna Anita Berger will join our trainer Ilse Adametz-Houston in order to support the participants in the role of the reflection guide. In our photo story she explains what the participants may expect and how the group will benefit.

Photo Story – Reflection Guide

IMG_7728Anita, what do you understand by the concept of the Reflection Guide?

As a Reflection Guide I support the participants in reflecting situations or issues, which particularly bother them, in a personal conversation. Together we develop possible solutions and I encourage them to develop and use their own skills, resources and problem-solution strategies.







IMG_7744In your opinion, what is the reflection guide´s biggest advantage for the participants?

That every participant receives a personal coaching session (of approximately 45 minutes) during the training. As a result, the training time of 2 days is optimally used. The personal coaching session allows us to deal with topics or issues in a consequent and individual manner. This happens in absolute confidentiality without any additional time investment for the participants.





IMG_7763What do you especially like about working with and acting as a Reflection Guide?

I experience the coaching sessions with the participants as very intense and enriching: Within a short time frame we can reach much depth. We work with individual challenges that are extremely relevant for the participants. This depth and the relevance of topics offer a huge benefit for the participants, which I in return find very satisfying. What is more, I experience how the participants affect the group and how they interact within the group. Based on this I can provide them with individual feedback, which the participants experience as useful and enriching.



The advantages of a Reflection Guide at one glance

  • Accompanies the training as an observer
  • Shares his/her personal observations and thoughts in short coaching sessions with the individual participants
  • Answers to the participants´ questions
  • Supports in handling and reflecting challenging situations from the participants´ (working) life
  • Enables a flexible approach to individual matters – even in larger groups (>12 participants)
  • Supports in speeding up the group process
  • Accompanies the program´s participants in their personal learning transfer in a trusting environment

In the following video Ilse Adametz-Houston – trainer for Lateral Leadership – gives an insight in the topic.

Lat Leadership

Here you can find our photo story on Lateral Leadership with Ilse Adametz-Houston and more information on Lateral Leadership.


We wish you a successful week!

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